Rosary Park has a strong focus on social justice, both awareness and action, providing students with the opportunity to contribute to the local and global community through a wide range of events and activities.
Visitation to local aged-care centres, participation in community commemorative services and celebrations, involvement in mission days and environmental initiatives, along with our Mini Vinnies group, all ensure our students develop a sense of belonging and responsibility as citizens of the world.
Our fundraising each term throughout the year:
Term 1 – Caritas: Lenten Project Compassion + Mission Day
Term 2 – Mini Vinnies: Winter Appeal + Mission Day
Term 3 – Children’s Catholic Mission: Socktober + Mission Day
Term 4 – Mini Vinnies: Christmas Appeal + Mission Day
The school encourages students to propose other areas for social justice work at a local level. From year to year this is in response to the needs of the local community. Such examples can include bushfire appeals, specific medical disorders and environmental causes.