
Rosary Park newsletters are released every second week throughout the term and provide the parent community with a snapshot of life at Rosary Park, including key events, awards, acknowledgement about our students and more. They are a major source of communication between home and school and I urge all parents to read through our newsletter. Newsletters are pushed out through Compass to all families, posted on this website and a printed copy is sent home to families upon request.

Anti-Bullying Handbook for Schools A Guide for Implementing a P&F or PEG in School Bush Fire Survival Plan - Rosary Park Primary School Branxton Diocese of Maitland Newcastle Parent Engagement Group Model Standard Collection Notice PBL Framework 2024 Traffic Management Plan Term 2 Week 2 2024 Term 2 Week 4 2024 Term 2 Week 6 2024 Term 2 Week 8 2024 Term 2 Week 10 2024 Term 3 Week 2 2024 Term 3 Week 4 2024 Term 3 Week 6 2024